ABA's Bookseller Relief Fund Stands Ready to Help

Three days after Hurricane Gustav made landfall approximately 70 miles southwest of New Orleans, the very good news is that the Category 2 storm has not inflicted the catastrophic damage of Hurricane Katrina. However, as Gulf Coast residents returned to their homes and businesses, news accounts make clear that these are again very difficult times for the region.

Responding to Hurricane Katrina, in 2005, ABA established the Bookseller Relief Fund to help meet the humanitarian needs of booksellers affected by disasters, and the association encourages bookstores seeking assistance because of destruction or extended disruption of business, to contact David Walker, ABA's industry consultant, at davidw@bookweb.org, or at (202) 332-8052.

In addition, as Bookselling This Week works to cover this story, if booksellers would like to be in contact with one of our writers, they should send an e-mail to ABA Editorial Director Rosemary Hawkins at rosemary@bookweb.org.