On the Move . . .

This month's feature from Director Len Vlahos updates booksellers on the latest improvements and enhancements to

Greetings! Much has occurred in the last month. In our continuing drive to improve, we're in the process of adding staff and some new features to the product.

Here's a quick rundown:

1. Staff on the Move!

  • Starting this week, we have a new part-time customer service coordinator, Suzanne McDonald. Suzanne will work with Scott Nafz and Patti Neske to provide customer service to participating stores and to help maintain our database. You can reach Suzanne at (800) 637-0037, ext. 1238, or via e-mail at Welcome Suzanne!

2. New Features:

  • Optional Comment Box in checkout process. Next week, stores will have the ability to add an optional customer comment box to their shopping cart. This will allow customers to send special instructions to the store -- about shipping, about payment, about alternatives titles, or anything else -- with any individual order. Participating stores can label the box in any way they like and use it for a variety of purposes.
  • Problems with the reconciliation report have been completely fixed. This report should now accurately reflect the money taken in, paid out, and deposited to your checking account for wholesaler fulfilled orders.
  • We are in the midst of improving the logic our system uses to determine which warehouse will fulfill an order. We're testing now with both wholesalers, and in the next week or two should roll this change out. The result will be an increase in the number of wholesaler fulfilled orders.

I look forward to next month's " On the Move....

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or call customer service at (800) 637-0037, ext. 1234, or send an e-mail to
