Go Green With New Biodegradable IndieBound Bags

By popular request, W.G. Ellerkamp is now offering environmentally friendly, biodegradable plastic IndieBound bags. These plastic bags are made with 10 - 15 percent recycled material and will break down safely within a few years when buried or composted.

The bags feature "Eat, Sleep, Read" on one side and "Peace, Love, Books" on the other. Dimensions are 15" x 18" + 4". A fold-over die-cut handle on top adds strength and stability to bags stuffed full of books. Since they don't look or feel different from other plastic bags, a prominent recycling logo and message alerts consumers that the bag is safe for the environment. The new biodegradable bags are available for $129 for a case of 500 before shipping.

W.G. Ellerkamp offers a wide range of environmentally friendly products, including reusable totes. A blue "Eat, Sleep, Read" tote was recently added alongside its popular brother, the red "Peace, Love, Books" tote. Both totes measure 13" x 5" x 13" and are available in cases of 100 for $1.80 each, or $2.30 customized with a bookstore's logo on the reverse side.

Orders for all Ellerkamp products may be placed via an online order form or downloadable PDF on BookWeb.org. Questions and orders can also be addressed to jack@wgellerkamp.com, by calling (800) 805-0012, or by fax to (603) 924-0044.