IndieCommerce Institute Registration Extended

The difference between the highest- and lowest-earning IndieCommerce websites is not bookstore size, but how each store uses the tools available to build and market their sites.

To help booksellers maximize their IndieCommerce websites, the American Booksellers Association will host its second IndieCommerce Institute (ICI), on September 13, 2012, in White Plains, New York. The ICI will also feature an opening reception on the evening of Wednesday, September 12, and opportunities for hour-long one-on-one sessions with IndieCommerce staff on Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning, September 14.

The registration deadline for ICI has extended to Friday, August 31, but a limited number of spaces are available. Enrollment is capped at 100 booksellers, and there is a maximum of two attendees per store to help create an engaging and interactive learning environment.

This year’s ICI will feature all-new programming based on bookseller feedback, as well as success stories from high-performing stores. There will also be networking opportunities and action-item takeaways.

Registration is open to stores whose IndieCommerce websites are already live, or will be live before September 1. All participants in ICI must have a fundamental understanding of the tools for managing content and processing orders on their websites. In addition, ICI will feature an Advanced Workshop for highly experienced IndieCommerce users who have a track record of proficient and creative use of the product.

Registration fees are $99 for the Main Session, and $139 for the Advanced Workshop.

More information, including a detailed agenda and hotel information, is available on the ICI page on