North Carolina Latest State to Introduce Internet Sales Tax Provision

The American Booksellers Association is calling on member bookstores in North Carolina to urge their legislators to support Internet sales tax legislation currently under consideration in the state Assembly.

Introduced earlier this year, the Internet sales tax legislation would require out-of-state companies that have affiliates in their states to collect and remit tax on sales made to in-state residents over the Internet. The legislation was introduced by Sen. Daniel G. Clodfelter (D-37) [Senate Bill 487] and by Reps. Jennifer Weiss (D-37) and Pryor Gibson (D-69) [House Bill 558]. The bills are being considered in their respective finance committees.

ABA COO Oren Teicher stressed the importance of booksellers contacting their state legislators and urging them to support the bill. "It is imperative that both your state senator and representative understand that locally owned retailers support this provision. We are urging our members in North Carolina to please take a moment to write their lawmakers," Teicher said. "We expect the debate over this bill to be intense -- so, it's crucial that booksellers make sure their voice is heard." Teicher also recommended that booksellers ask like-minded retailers, businesses, and residents in their communities to write lawmakers, as well.

To help in this important advocacy outreach, ABA has prepared template letters that booksellers can adapt and send to their local state senators and representatives.

ABA also asks that you notify David Grogan, ABA public policy liaison, at, when you have sent your letter. This will help ABA compile information to support this lobbying effort.