WNBA Calls for Nominations of Outstanding Children's Booksellers

The Women's National Book Association (WNBA) is seeking nominations for the Lucile Micheels Pannell Awards, honoring bookstores that excel at inspiring interest in reading and creatively bringing books and young people together. WNBA will present the awards to two bookstores -- one general and one children's specialty bookstore -- at BookExpo America 2007 in New York City.

Each recipient will receive a check for $1,000 plus a framed piece of original art by a children's book illustrator.

Nominations should include the name of the store, address and phone number, a contact person at the store, and an e-mail address, along with a brief description of why the store is worthy of the award. Nominations may be sent to Mary Grey James, WNBA Pannell chair, via e-mail to mary.james@ingrambook.com or to Pannell Award Nomination, 2200 Sharondale Dr., Nashville, TN 37215.

The deadline for nominations, which must include the nominator's name and industry affiliation, is January 12, 2007.