The Winter 2006/2007 Book Sense Children's Picks
The Winter 2006/2007 Book Sense Children's Picks |
1. THE GREEN GLASS SEA, by Ellen Klages (Viking, $16.99, 0670061344) "A young girl's life is caught up in the race to develop the bomb during World War II in Los Alamos. This beautifully told and historically accurate story makes you feel what it would be like to be a kid in this surreal, secretive world of scientists, mathematicians, and their families." --David Cheezem, Fireside Books, Palmer, AK
2. CLEMENTINE, by Sara Pennypacker, Marla Frazee (Illus.) (Hyperion, $14.99, 0786838825) "Clementine is an energetic third grader with her heart in the right place, even if her attention isn't always where grown-ups think it should be! A great read for anyone who has ever had trouble sitting still!" --Jane Stroh, The Bookstore, Glen Ellyn, IL
3. HORNS & WRINKLES, by Joseph Helgerson, Nicoletta Ceccoli (Illus.) (Houghton Mifflin, $16, 0618616799) "This whimsical story, set on the banks of the Mississippi River, overflows with magic that will delight readers young and old. When 'rivery' things start to happen, Claire has to be both brave and clever to save her family. Nicoletta Ceccoli's charming drawings suit the odd goings on perfectly." --Julie Leonard, Troubadour Books, Boulder, CO
4. MOSES: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom, by Carole Boston Weatherford, Kadir Nelson (Illus.) (Jump At The Sun, $15.99, 0786851759) "With illustrations that are striking and rife with emotion, this is the story of Harriet Tubman's struggle for freedom as she ran away from slavery while retaining the faith and courage to help others. A touching introduction to the horrific subject of slavery and to this strong and unique woman." --Hilary Berg, A Room of One's Own Feminist Bookstore, Madison, WI
5. VOICES, by Ursula K. Le Guin (Harcourt, $17, 0152056785) "Le Guin brings us to Ansul, a land of terror and oppression, where local gods are demonized, reading is punishable by death, and the power of storytelling inspires a people to strive for freedom. Voices is beautifully written and does not shy away from the gritty details of oppression, nor does it overlook the value of friendship, learning, and open-mindedness." --Julia K. Smith, The Magic Tree Bookstore, Oak Park, IL
6. THE ICE DRAGON, by George R.R. Martin (Starscape, $12.95, 0765316315) "Prepare yourself to be heartbroken, inspired, frightened, comforted, and warmed by this tale of friendship and family. Makes a great read-aloud on a cold winter's night, as it teaches us that sacrifice is at the heart of love." --Mara Lynn Luther, Chapter One Book Store, Hamilton, MT
7. THE ASTONISHING LIFE OF OCTAVIAN NOTHING, TRAITOR TO THE NATION, VOLUME ONE: The Pox Party, by M.T. Anderson (Candlewick, $17.99, 0763624020) "Octavian is growing up in luxury and is given the best of educations, until one day he opens a forbidden door and discovers a shocking secret about himself that will change the course of his life. If you think history is boring, this gothic and terrifying look at the Revolutionary War will change your mind. This is a masterpiece." --Jennifer Laughran, Books Inc., San Francisco, CA
8. LARKLIGHT: A Rousing Tale of Dauntless Pluck in the Farthest Reaches of Space, by Philip Reeve (Bloomsbury, $16.95, 1599900203) "Arthur and Myrtle are enjoying an afternoon at home. Of course, their house is Larklight, a home you won't find in a normal neighborhood. When menacing guests drop by for an unwelcome visit, Arthur and Myrtle are on the run searching for help and finding out surprising things about their home and family. A fast-paced story full of wonderful characters." --Holly Frakes, Schuler Books & Music, Okemos, MI
9. THE TOPSY-TURVY TOWEL, by Julie Goulis, John Ferguson (Illus.) (Bubblegum Books, $14.95, 0975462121) "When the sun goes down on Sam, Sally, and Suzy's day at the beach, their ordinary beach towel transforms their evening into an extraordinary adventure! With its rhythmic text and beautiful illustrations, I can't wait to use this new book during storytimes -- it's sure to encourage young readers to engage in the vast, beautiful world of their imaginations!" --Becca Jones, Joseph-Beth Booksellers, Pittsburgh, PA
10. THE RULES OF SURVIVAL, by Nancy Werlin (Dial, $16.99, 0803730012) "This story of a family threatened by an unpredictable, psychotic mother is suspenseful, dark, and disturbing, and yet, also, hopeful. Werlin frames the story as a letter from 17-year-old Matthew to his youngest sister, dispensing personal thoughts and dramatic tension bit by bit as he works to protect his sisters. I really loved this devastating yet uplifting book." --Mimi Powell, Baker Books, North Dartmouth, MA
For Babies and Preschoolers |
ABC SING-ALONG, by Teddy Slater, Lisa Chauncy Guida (Illus.) (Cartwheel Books, $12.99, 0439853575) "Featuring a different song for each letter of the alphabet, each sung to a popular tune, this is a great new book for preschool kids." --Julie Gaston, Butterfly Books, De Pere, WI
NOT A BOX, by Antoinette Portis (HarperCollins, $12.99, 0061123226) "For every child who has ever eagerly confiscated a cardboard box and enjoyed some of the many things a box can be with a little touch of imagination." --Karlene Rearick, The Alphabet Garden, Cheshire, CT
PUPPIES, PUPPIES EVERYWHERE!, by Cat Urbigkit (Boyds Mills, $12.95, 1590783638) "On the Wyoming sheep ranch the puppies are everywhere. The stunning pictures that make you go ooooh and the text aimed at wee ones combine to make this another adorable book for dog lovers." --Margaret Brennan Neville, The King's English, Salt Lake City, UT
WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING, by Alexis Deacon (FSG, $16.50, 0374383308) "In this wonderfully calming bedtime book, Alexis Deacon's beautifully muted paintings imbue each toy with personality and concern and reassure that they are friends who look out for you while you sleep. Give this book to your little dreamer with a tendency for an overactive imagination when the lights go out!" --Collette Morgan, Wild Rumpus, Minneapolis, MN
For Ages 4 to 8 |
ADELE & SIMON, by Barbara McClintock (FSG, $16, 0374380449) "Intricate, painstaking, and charmingly old-fashioned watercolor illustrations invigorate this charming Parisian tale of a forgetful little boy and his older sister. For fans of Ludwig Bemelmans, especially!" --Myra Poe, Harry W. Schwartz Bookshop, Milwaukee, WI
BEA & MR. JONES, by Amy Schwartz (Harcourt, $13.95, 0152058117) "This is a funny look at what might happen if you and your child switched places for the day. Bea puts on her father's suit and goes to his job while Mr. Jones goes to kindergarten, and each has a wonderful -- and unexpected -- day." --Rich Rennicks, Malaprop's Bookstore/Caf, Asheville, NC
BLACK? WHITE! DAY? NIGHT! A Book of Opposites, by Laura Vaccaro Seeger (Roaring Brook, $16.95, 1596431857) "Seeger uses a series of 18 questions and answers to explore opposites. Younger children will enjoy the bright, simple illustrations, while older ones will be intrigued with the ways Seeger shows the changes. A few readers will want to come up with their own transforming opposites." --Leslie Reiner, Inkwood Books, Tampa, FL
THE CAT WHO WOULDN'T COME INSIDE: Based on a True Story, by Cynthia von Buhler (Houghton Mifflin, $16, 0618563148) "This story features photos of extremely detailed sets housing the characters, a young girl and the shy, stray kitty she keeps trying to tempt inside out of the cold. A beautiful story of the rewards of patience and love of all creatures, even those that may not be easy to love." --Kelley Drahushuk, The Spotty Dog, Hudson, NY
CHICKENS TO THE RESCUE, by John Himmelman (Holt Books for Young Readers, $16.95, 0805079513) "A delightful read-aloud that is laugh-out-loud. The ever-vigilant chickens race to the rescue of the Greenstalk family. And when the chickens need a rest, guess who comes to their rescue?" --Dinah Price, The Twig Book Shop, San Antonio, TX
EDWINA, THE DINOSAUR WHO DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS EXTINCT, by Mo Willems (Hyperion, $16.99, 0786837489) "Mo Willems is a bit of a magician. Once again, he takes a story that has every chance of bludgeoning the reader with its message and turns it into something charming and funny. His light touch makes this lesson in the power of kindness easy to hear, and much fun to share." --Melissa Manlove, The Storyteller, Lafayette, CA
AN ELK DROPPED IN, by Andreas Steinhofel, Kerstin Meyer (Illus.) (Front Street, $16.95, 1932425802) "This is a charming Christmas story about a poached-pear-loving Mr. Moose who gets waylaid from his trial run with Father Christmas. This is sure to become a great family read-aloud during Christmas. Not to be missed!" --Maureen Palacios, Once Upon a Time, Montrose, CA
FATHER AND SON: A Nativity Story, by Geraldine McCaughrean, Fabian Negrin (Illus.) (Hyperion, $16.99, 1423103440) "Have you ever wondered what Joseph's thoughts were about being a father? This wonderful retelling of the Christmas Story tells us what Joseph might have been thinking." --Jenn Hardacre, The Bookshop, Venice, FL
THE GIFT OF THE MAGI, by O. Henry, Lisbeth Zwerger (Illus.) (Simon & Schuster, $15.99, 141693586X) "Rediscover this classic Christmas story about giving with this new edition, illustrated by Lizbeth Zwerger's understated and stunning art. No Christmas family gathering should be without this read-aloud tale." --Maureen Palacios, Once Upon a Time, Montrose, CA
I WILL HOLD YOU 'TIL YOU SLEEP, by Linda Zuckerman, Jon J Muth (Illus.) (Arthur A. Levine Books/Scholastic, $16.99, 0439434203) "This is sure to become a new classic, in the same spirit as Love You Forever! The beautiful illustrations convey so much feeling, and the words will touch hearts. I love this book!" --Harvada Elisberg, The Children's Bookshop, Appleton, WI
IMPATIENT PAMELA LEARNS ABOUT GERMS, by Sarah Overland, Aaron Conway (Illus.) (Trellis, $7.95 paper, 1930650256; $14.95, HC/Library Binding, 1930650116) "Showing kids that being careful does not mean being afraid of germs, this funny and informative book would be a meaningful piece in the health education of youngsters ages four to eight." --Carol O'Callaghan, The Bookery, Ephrata, WA
LIBRARY LION, by Michelle Knudsen, Kevin Hawkes (Illus.) (Candlewick, $15.99, 0763622621) "Nothing excites me more than the arrival of a new picture book that is destined to become a classic. With wonderful illustrations and a story that both encourages a love of books and teaches valuable lessons, Library Lion deserves a place in every family's library." -- Suzanna Hermans, Oblong Books & Music, Rhinebeck, NY
THE LITTLE RED HEN: An Old Fable, by Heather Forest, Susan Gaber (Illus.) (August House, $16.95, 0874837952) "This beautifully illustrated retelling of the classic tale has an upbeat twist at the end!" --Jean Cockcroft, WordsWorth Books & Co., Little Rock, AR
MINN FROM MINNESOTA, by Kathy-jo Wargin, Karen Busch Holman (Illus.) (Ann Arbor Media Group, $14.95, 1587263041) "This charming story chronicles the adventures of a mouse who learns about the region's unique landmarks, wildlife, folktales, and much more." --Sue Bronson, Log Mark Bookstore, Cheboygnan, MI
NOAH'S MITTENS, by Lise Lunge-Larsen, Matthew Trueman (Illus.) (Houghton Mifflin, $16, 0618329501) "This book couldn't be more fun. Noah has his doubts about the task he's been asked to do, but with some problem-solving he succeeds and then adds a few other important discoveries to his list of accomplishments. The illustrations are delightful and clever in this fresh take on the wonders of discovery." --Beverly Bauer, Redbery Books, Cable, WI
ONE MORE SHEEP, by Mij Kelly and Russell Ayto (Peachtree, $16.95, 1561453781) "When counting sheep is such a sleepy endeavor, it is up to the sheep to keep that wolf in sheep's clothing away from their home. This rhyming story is a delightful tale of the ingenuity it takes to make someone really listen to your problem!" --Kathy Taber, Kids Ink, Indianapolis, IN
OOPS, by Arthur Geisert (Walter Lorraine Books/Houghton Mifflin, $16, 0618609040) "An innocent breakfast-time accident sparks a chain reaction that ends up with a boulder destroying the house. Astoundingly intricate, one Rube Goldberg-esque progression after another leads to utter destruction. The story is wordless, but 'oops' pretty much works for each page." --Tina Kugler, Tweedle Bros. Children's Bookshop, Manitowoc, WI
PRILLA'S PRIZE, by Lisa Papademitriou (Disney, $12.99, 1423101111) "The fairy Prilla realizes that making an effort is as important as winning. The artwork is reminiscent of anime and Wendy Pini's ElfQuest, yet it is uniquely its own. A thoroughly engaging story." --Judy Mathys, Family Book Shop, Deland, FL
17 THINGS I'M NOT ALLOWED TO DO ANYMORE, by Jenny Offill, Nancy Carpenter (Illus.) (Schwartz & Wade, $15.99, 0375835962) "This is by far our store's favorite new book for kids. The illustrations are amazing, a clever combination of art and photography. But be warned, if you think Junie B. is not a good example for children, you won't be interested in this charmer. But at Inkwood, she is our new heroine." --Leslie Reiner, Inkwood Books, Tampa, FL
THREE LITTLE CAJUN PIGS, by Mike Artell, Jim Harris (Illus.) (Dial, $16.99, 0803728158) "The Three Little Pig Cajun style. This is a great read-aloud for all who loved Cajun Night Before Christmas." --Janet Bollum, The Muse Book Shop, Deland, FL
WHEN SANTA FELL TO EARTH, by Cornelia Funke (Chicken House, $15.99, 043978204X) "This is an enchanting, seasonal tale for readers young and not-so-young that features the last True Santa, a Christmas without snow, children, irascible elves, menacing nutcrackers, and more." --Becky Milner, Vintage Books, Vancouver, WA
For Ages 9 to 12 |
ANAHITA'S WOVEN RIDDLE, by Meghan Nuttall Sayres (Amulet, $16.95, 0810954818) "A fairy tale, as well as a romantic story, set in turn-of-the-century Iran explores the culture of the nomadic people." --Julie Leonard, Troubadour Books, Boulder, CO
CRISPIN: At the Edge of the World, by Avi (Hyperion, $16.99, 078685152X) "In this sequel, Crispin and Bear continue to run for their lives as their dangerous journey continues. Fast-paced and action-packed, Avi weaves medieval European magic into a spell you won't want to break!" --Diana Carroll, Quail Ridge Books, Raleigh, NC
DESPERATE JOURNEY, by Jim Murphy (Scholastic, $16.99, 0439078067) "Maggie is tired of life on a barge continually plying the Erie Canal in New York State delivering cargo in the early 1800s. But when her father is arrested, she, her mom, and her feisty younger brother are forced to finish the perilous journey to Buffalo alone. Besides a well-written, well-researched slice of life unfamiliar to most of us, this story of Maggie's growth is of great interest." --Sue Carita, The Toadstool Bookshop, Keene, NH
THE DRAGON'S EYE: The Dragonology Chronicles, Volume 1, by Dugald A. Steer (Candlewick, $15.99, 0763628107) "A wonderful adventure filled with dragon lore, and a dangerous quest for the Dragon's Eye, the stone that designates the Dragon Master. Harry may have Hogwarts, but Beatrice and Daniel have the S.A.S.D. (Secret and Ancient Society of Dragonologists)." --Janet Bollum, The Muse Book Shop, Deland, FL
A DROWNED MAIDEN'S HAIR: A Melodrama, by Laura Amy Schlitz (Candlewick, $15.99, 0763629308) "A family of maiden aunts adopts 11-year-old orphan Maud in 1909 -- based on her singing of 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic' while locked in the outhouse for bad behavior. Maud is thrilled at her new life, but when she's trained to appear at the aunts' sances, she faces an important challenge. A fascinating look into the sance craze of the early 20th century." --Janet Rhodes, HearthFire Books of Evergreen, Evergreen, CO
EATS, SHOOTS & LEAVES: Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference!, by Lynne Truss, Bonnie Timmons (Illus.) (Putnam, $15.99, 0399244913) "Author Lynne Truss and illustrator Bonnie Timmons turn a usually dreary subject into laugh-out-loud fun. This one is great for kids, families, teachers, and the classroom." --Susan Barnett, Hamish & Henry Booksellers Inc., Livingston Manor, NY
ESCAPE FROM THE CARNIVALE: A Never Land Book, by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson (Disney Editions, $9.99, 0786837896) "This is a great story of friendship and daring rescue. It brings the world of Neverland to life with a brand-new adventure!" --Ryan Yoder, The Next Page Bookstore, Decatur, IN
FRAMED, by Frank Cottrell Boyce (HarperCollins, $16.99, 0060734027) "Boyce's screenwriting experience comes through as strongly in this book as in Millions. This one has fewer bank robbers and more art historians -- or are they art thieves? -- who quickly misunderstand young Dylan Hughes, based on names of his two pet chickens, Michelangelo and Donatello, actually namesakes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.This is a rousing cheer for the power of art." --Carol Chittenden, Eight Cousins, Falmouth, MA
INVISIBLE INK, by Terry Griggs (Raincoast, $7.95 paper, 1551928337) "This book reads great as a stand-alone, or with the preceding two books in the trilogy. I love the plays on words, the style of writing, and the ease of reading. This book is sure to sustain the attention of advanced readers, while capturing the imagination of children still getting their feet wet with the joy of ink on paper." --Amy Ellis, Front Street Books, Alpine, TX
JEREMY FINK AND THE MEANING OF LIFE, by Wendy Mass (Little, Brown, $15.99, 0316058297) "The meaning of life evades Jeremy, but he knows its secret must be contained in the mysterious box that he receives on his 13th birthday. The four keys to open the box have disappeared, and Jeremy and his friend must search the city for the keys, while learning about themselves and the meaning of life." --Diane Betz, Butterfly Books, De Pere, WI
JOURNEY TO THE BLUE MOON: In Which Time is Lost and Then Found Again, by Rebecca Rupp (Candlewick, $15.99, 0763625442) "In Rupp's latest, time occupies the attention of all the characters. Alex ends up riding to the blue moon in a duct-taped rocket ship with a bunch of rats to find his lost pocket watch. A little scary, but filled with charm!" --Margaret Brennan Neville, The King's English, Salt Lake City, UT
LEVEN THUMPS AND THE GATEWAY TO FOO, by Obert Skye (Aladdin, $7.99 paper, 1416928065) "This is a delightful J.K. Rowling-esque story about a boy who must save two worlds, Earth and Foo. The book is packed with action, humor, and danger." --Fran Wilson, Colorado State University Bookstore, Fort Collins, CO
THE LOST COLONY: Artemis Fowl Book 5, by Eoin Colfer (Miramax, $16.95, 0786849568) "A spell has been broken, and it will require all the brainpower of Artemis Fowl, the strength of his comrades, and no shortage of luck in order to prevent the Demons' violent return to earth. The latest in a great series." --Steve Mort, DIESEL, A Bookstore, Oakland, CA
THE MAILBOX, by Audrey Shafer (Delacorte, $15.95, 0385733445) "Gabe is a young boy who has been shipped to various foster families and has finally found a home with his uncle, who is a physically and mentally broken Vietnam vet. When Gabe returns home and discovers that his uncle has died, he tells no one for fear of being sent away. But when he discovers a mysterious note in the mailbox, he begins a very important correspondence. This amazing story of coping with loneliness and fear presents the realities of loss and life that many young people face today." --Kate Bearce, Main Street Books, Pella, IA
MIRACLE ON 49TH STREET, by Mike Lupica (Philomel, $17.99, 0399244883) "Molly Parker, 12-year-old basketball phenom, lives with her mother's college roommate and her husband and daughter in Boston since her mother's death. When she discovers that her birth father is Josh Cameron, star of the Boston Celtics, Lupica begins a story that adds up to a very happy, miracle on 49th Street ending." --Joanne Bibeau, Storybook Cove, Hanover, MA
THE NIGHT OF THE BURNING: Devorah's Story, by Linda Press Wulf (FSG, $16, 0374364192) "Devorah and her sister Nechama, after experiencing horrors, meet Isaac Ochberg, who takes them, along with 200 other Jewish orphans, to South Africa. Is it possible to forget just one part of your past? A splendid story that speaks to readers on an intimate and thoughtful level." --Shawn Wathen, Chapter One Book Store, Hamilton, MT
VIVE LA PARIS, by Esm Raji Codell (Hyperion, $15.99, 0786851244) "A young girl named Paris (because her parents wanted to move there until they discovered her mother was pregnant) deals with having four older brothers, an enemy at school, and a cranky piano teacher. Paris learns from family conflict, school conflict, personality conflict, global conflict, and even death. She emerges from these difficulties with a new, mature understanding of herself and others -- and an understanding of how to be a light in the world." --Michelle Frost, Vintage Books, Vancouver, WA
WIND RIDER, by Susan Williams (Laura Geringer, $16.99, 0060872365) "Fern chafes at tasks set for the women of her people, tending babies, scraping skins, and watching the cook pots while the men hunt and fish and the boys romp at the river. When Fern finds a young horse stuck in a bog and tames it, Williams presents a marvelous tale that imagines a defining moment in pre-history when horses were first domesticated. Filled with well-drawn characters, this is a compelling adventure story." --Jody Fickes Shapiro, Adventures for Kids, Ventura, CA
For Teen Readers |
DREAM JOURNAL, by Karen Halvorsen Schreck (Hyperion, $15.99, 1423101057) "A powerful coming-of-age novel about a 16-year-old girl dealing with loss and love, rebellion and forgiveness." --Renee Barker, The Bookstore, Glen Ellyn, IL
FOREVER IN BLUE: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood, by Ann Brashares (Delacorte, $18.99, 0385729367) "After completing their first year of college, Bridget, Carmen, Lena, and Tibby begin to realize that staying in touch is much more difficult than they had ever imagined. Their dreams have taken them down different paths and they fear that their time as close friends has passed. Ann Brashares' realistic portrayal of four young women trying to find their way in the world is bittersweet yet ultimately hopeful in this fourth and final volume of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants quartet." --Tish Gayle, The Blue Marble Bookstore, Fort Thomas, KY
HATTIE BIG SKY, by Kirby Larson (Delacorte, $15.95, 0385733135) "Piecing together remnants of her own ancestor's life, Kirby Larson has fashioned a warm, colorful quilt of a novel. Sixteen-year-old Hattie, an orphaned city girl who's been trundled from one relative to another, strikes out on her own to homestead a claim in Montana during WWI, with only her strong faith and the kindness of her German neighbors to sustain her. A lovely story." --Joanne Fritz, Chester County Book & Music Company, West Chester, PA
HEARTS OF IRON, by Kathleen Benner Duble (Margaret K. McElderry, $15.95, 1416908501) "This coming-of-age story in a small mountainside community in 1820 features history, characters, community and friendship, and important moral decisions. Jesse and Lucy are two best friends on the threshold of adulthood with their own dreams of the future who live in community where the men all work in the forge. Does family loyalty come first, or should they create their own path?" --Pat Byrne, Book Ends, Winchester, MA
THE ILLUSTRATED JANE EYRE, by Charlotte Bronte, Dame Darcy (Illus.) (Penguin Putnam, $21.95 paper, 0142005142) "This new edition of the classic novel features beautifully rendered color and black-and-white illustrations throughout by artist Dame Darcy. The dark, woeful, and whimsical drawings add a modern and moody element as nonconformist and original as our favorite heroine." --Julia Pascone, Inkwood Books, Tampa, FL
INCANTATION, by Alice Hoffman (Little, Brown, $16.99, 0316010197) "Set during the Spanish Inquisition, this story is told from the perspective of a teenage girl, Estrella, who doesn't know she is Jewish until she is betrayed by a jealous friend. Hoffman describes a hideous time in history with care." --Mimi Powell, Baker Books, North Dartmouth, MA
LIFE AS WE KNEW IT, by Susan Beth Pfeffer (Harcourt, $17, 0152058265) "Susan Beth Pfeffer has imagined, in almost painful detail, the impact of a meteor on the moon and the effects this collision would have on those of us living on Earth. Miranda's hope, courage, and love of family see her through the loss of everything else she has taken for granted. This thought-provoking novel caused me to ask what is most important to preserve in my own life." --Virginia Duffey, Page One Bookstore, Albuquerque, NM
LUDIE'S LIFE, by Cynthia Rylant (Harcourt, $16, 0152053891) "This lyrical collection of poems tells the story of a simple, noble woman's life from childhood into old age." --Alison Morris, Wellesley Booksmith, Wellesley, MA
NOTES FROM THE MIDNIGHT DRIVER, by Jordan Sonnenblick (Scholastic, $16.99, 0439757797) "Alex is a good kid who made a bad decision and has been ordered by the court to perform community service. In a nursing home he meets a cranky old man named Sol Lewis, who may just have a few things he can teach young Alex. This is Tuesdays with Morrie for the driver's ed set." --Megan O'Bryan, Scotts' Book Store, Mount Vernon, WA
PARANOID PARK, by Blake Nelson (Viking, $15.99, 0670061182) "All the skate rats hang out at Paranoid Park. The preppy skaters go to Skate City at the mall. The story is told in the lingo of today's teens, full of gritty realism and the difficult realities they face -- sex, drinking, bullies, coping with the wrath of authority figures, and, of course, feeling misunderstood. A perfect match for tough guys who don't usually care to read." --Magoo Gelehrter, Baker Books, North Dartmouth, MA
PSYCHE IN A DRESS, by Francesca Lia Block (Joanna Cotler, $15.99, 0060763728) "The ancient Greek myths of Psyche and Narcissus, among others, are given a modern day retelling set in Los Angeles. Told in a breezy, compulsively readable free verse prose poem style, filtered through the heart and mind of dutiful daughter Psyche, the book will be a quick read for most, but one that will have a lasting impact." --Magoo Gelehrter, Baker Books, North Dartmouth, MA
SOLD, by Patricia McCormick (Hyperion, $15.99, 0786851716) "This heartbreaking first-person narrative focuses on the ugly issue of human trafficking. A young girl who has been sold to a brothel chronicles her ordeal in short, episodic chapters that are both disturbing and triumphant. This book is appropriate for young adults and older." --Bev Denor, LaDeDa Books, Manitowoc, WI
THE TAKER, by J.M. Steele (Hyperion, $15.99, 0786849304) "Carly is on the fast track for entrance into Princeton until her SAT scores come back. Lured by the possibility of someone taking the test again for her, she wonders if she should hire The Taker. The desire for success battles honesty in this mystery." --Diane Betz, Butterfly Books, De Pere, WI
Poetry |
BEHOLD THE BOLD UMBRELLAPHANT: And Other Poems, by Jack Prelutsky, Carin Berger (Illus.) (Greenwillow, $16.99, 0060543175) "Jack Prelutsky -- the nation's first children's poet laureate -- has been entertaining kids for years with his silly rhymes, but this collection is his best yet. Carin Berger's imaginative collages are the perfect counterpoint." --Jenny Stoyeck, The Homer Bookstore, Homer, AK
CASTLES: Old Stone Poems, by J. Patrick Lewis and Rebecca Kai Dotlich, Dan Burr (Illus.) (Boyds Mills, $18.95, 1590783808) "Castles captures the imagination of young and old. Dragons, princesses, kings, knights, moats, all are associated with a time of fantasy and wonder. This book of poems makes these castles come alive, capturing the beauty, as well as the dark side, of what these awesome structures symbolize." --Kathy Taber, Kids Ink, Indianapolis, IN
HEY THERE, STINK BUG!, by Leslie Bulion, Leslie Evans (Illus.) (Charlesbridge, $12.95, 158089304X) "Poetry and nonfiction make a perfect match in this fascinating and funny book. Try out the stink bug poem, with its antennae spelling "P-U, P-U, P-U," or just dive into the beginning, where the first poem invites you into the vast and minute world of insects." --Melissa Manlove, The Storyteller, Lafayette, CA
Something Special for Winter |
KEN LIBBRECHT'S FIELD GUIDE TO SNOWFLAKES, by Ken Libbrecht (Voyageur Press, $12.95, 0760326452) "The photography in this book is stunning, and the section on photographing snowflakes is easy to understand. Libbrecht makes me wish it was already December." --Keri Holmes, The Kaleidoscope: Our Focus Is You, Hampton, IA
SNOW SOUNDS: An Onomatopoeic Story, by David A. Johnson (Houghton Mifflin, $16, 0618473106) "Light the fire and get a cup of cocoa. The cool-blue overall design, the sounds, the images -- all come together for a true winter treat." --Keri Holmes, The Kaleidoscope: Our Focus Is You, Hampton, IA
WINTER IS THE WARMEST SEASON, by Lauren Stringer (Harcourt, $16, 0152049673) "In perhaps one of the coziest books ever, Lauren Stringer makes a case for winter being the warmest time of year. Featuring snuggly, sleeping cats; crackling fires; thick quilts; and hot cocoa, the illustrations convey the warmth perfectly. This book is the literary equivalent of footie pajamas." --Tina Kugler, Tweedle Bros. Children's Bookshop, Manitowoc, WI
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