During its June meeting, the ABA Board approved committee appointments, revised the association’s Ends Policies, discussed ways to improve educational programming and the Indie Next Lists, and considered myriad other issues.
Attendance at the first IndieCommerce Institute will be capped, but there’s still time to register for one of the remaining spots at the one-day educational program, focusing on online commerce and related marketing, for booksellers at different levels of experience.
Registration for ABA’s inaugural IndieCommerce Institute, sponsored by the Ingram Content Group, continues until July 14 or until the program tracks are filled, whichever comes first.
On Wednesday, June 22, ABA opened registration for its inaugural IndieCommerce Institute, to be held on Wednesday, August 10, in Rosemont, Illinois, minutes from Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.
This week, ABA announced its first one-day educational mini-institute. The IndieCommerce Institute will focus on online commerce and related marketing, and it is set for Wednesday, August 10, in Rosemont, Illinois, adjacent to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.
Last week, independent bookstores experienced a significant jump in e-book sales thanks to Unbridled Books’ partnership with ABA, which featured the promotion of 25 e-books for 25 cents.
Unbridled Books is partnering with the American Booksellers Association for a promotion that highlights 25 Unbridled eBooks for 25 cents. The titles, all Google eBooks™, will be available for 25 cents via IndieCommerce websites for three days, June 9 - 11.
ABA recently convened four Bookseller Task Forces – Digital, Education, Local First, and ABACUS – to gather member input and suggestions for ABA initiatives and programming.
Recent IndieCommerce improvements allow smartphone users who visit a bookstore’s website to see a special, mobile-optimized version of each page. Customers can also now purchase Google eBooks™ using Givex gift cards.
Among recent IndieCommerce developments have been the introduction of a new customer service rep, the addition of Google eBooks™ published by Penguin, and an increase in the percentage of each Google eBooks sale going to member stores.