Book Sense National Advertising Update -- New Ad Venues About to Launch
By Carl Lennertz and Mark Nichols
In addition to our ongoing and successful advertising in The New Yorker and Atlantic Monthly, spearheaded by ABA Marketing Officer Michael Hoynes, we are expanding the Book Sense presence in some notable book-only magazines and reviews.
We have been regulars for a while in BookPage, Michael Zibart's longtime book review periodical. Michael has graciously provided us, since the early days of Book Sense, with a full-page feature on the Book Sense 76 Top Ten in each issue, along with a Book Sense Gift Certificate ad.
Another early partner was The Hungry Mind Review, which became The Ruminator. We've been taking the center spread there every issue, offering very affordable co-op ad spots to publishers. (This is the ad you receive a poster version of in the white box every now and then.)
Now, starting this fall, we're entering into regular arrangements in three additional book-specific national venues: Pages magazine; Speakeasy, a new magazine for writers and readers; and The Readerville Journal, a new magazine launched by the popular Web site These magazines give us a further outreach to independent store supporters with ads at a cost affordable by presses of all sizes.
Pages is a relatively new bimonthly magazine with a full range of features about authors and trends. Beginning with the September/October issue, we will have a full-page presence there for each Book Sense 76 Top Ten, as well as an industry news/trend column from us.
Speakeasy is brand-new, the brainchild of author and former Hungry Minder Bart Schneider. Beginning with the September/October issue, we will take a center spread ad for 76 picks, also available to publishers.
Lastly, The Readerville Journal launches later this month. Meg Smith, business development and marketing manager of, is working with the folks from Watch BTW for more details on how will be working with Readerville in a number of ways.
It should be noted that all the ads feature bookseller quotes, mention the Book Sense Gift Certificate, and note the store directory via the toll-free telephone number and Publisher support of our ad efforts all around have been terrific.
Along with the Book Sense Bestseller List placement that many of you are getting in your local papers and the media coverage of all things Book Sense, from USA Today to the Wall Street Journal, our outreach to readers and customers is on a continued upward arc.
Carl and Mark