Bookseller's Radio Spots Spread the Indie Message

This week, Riverwalk Books of Chelan, Washington, began running a series of four radio ads, featuring some of IndieBound's memorable tag lines, to promote the store, as well as books as great holiday gifts.

"I am very fortunate to have a local independent radio station, KOZI, that has been serving the valley for many years, and they get 'local,'" said Riverwalk's Libby Manthey.

Each spot, written and produced by Bill Davie, program director for KOZI, plays off a different IndieBound message: one encourages "Feel the need to read"; another includes the beginning of the Declaration of IndieBound; a third features the tagline "Why a book? Because a tie never changed anyone's life"; and the fourth includes a plug for the IndieBound Wish List.

The ads are running daily at various times through the holidays, and Manthey is hoping to continue the spots into the new year if, she said, "I can figure out how to use some co-op" to pay for them.

An audio version and a transcript of each ad are available on the IndieBound Holiday in Action page on Manthey said that she would be pleased if other indie's adapted the ads for use in their own markets.