Just Expanded: New Holiday Designs
The latest additions to the IndieBound Bookseller DIY -- new holiday designs emphasizing books as gifts -- have just been expanded.
New posters especially for Hanukkah will inspire your customers to get ready for the Festival of Lights, starting December 11. "Nosh Nap Read" and "Eat Sleep Read Spin" posters are now available for download in the Bookseller DIY and for purchase in the IndieBound Red Bubble shop.
These Hanukkah posters are just two of the new DIY items ready for this holiday season. See all the new bookmarks, gift tags, web graphics, and more, in the Holiday DIY.
Don't forget to download the new IndieBound.org Wish List holiday counter card, an editable PDF that allows stores to enter their own information, and directs customers to make wish lists for the holidays that link back to their favorite independent bookstores.
Learn more about Indiebound.org's Wish Lists, which also sync with the IndieBound for iPhone application.
Looking to advertise this season? Use IndieBound Holiday ad slicks, both in color and black and white. Contact IndieBound Outreach Liaison Paige Poe for help with customization.