Wi7 Waiting List Closed, Hotel Sold Out

Winter Institute 7 registration and the host hotel, the Astor Crowne Plaza, are both now fully booked, and ABA is no longer accepting names for the registration waiting list.

Registered booksellers who are no longer planning to attend are asked to contact ABA staff as soon as possible so that waiting booksellers can take their places.

Booksellers who are currently on the waiting list will be contacted on a first-come, first-served basis if, and when, cancellations are received.

Questions, as well as cancellations, should be addressed to wi7@bookweb.org.

ABA’s Seventh Annual Winter Institute takes place January 18 - 20, 2012 in New Orleans. For the Wi7 schedule, presenters, travel discounts, and more, visit the Winter Institute website, wi7.bookweb.org.
