
The October Indie Next List With “Now in Paperback” Titles Included

Here in its entirety is a preview of the October 2012 Indie Next List flier on its way to store’s in the IndieBound movement. Last week’s BTW inadvertently omitted the 12 featured “Now in Paperback” titles.

IndieCommerce Institute to Feature ABA's New E-Book Program

Following this week's announcement of the e-book agreement between the American Booksellers Association and Kobo, ABA has announced that the upcoming IndieCommerce Institute (ICI) -- set for Thursday, September 13 -- will feature a special plenary focusing on the new ABA/Kobo e-book program.

Bestseller List Reporting Period Extended

Due to the Labor Day holiday, next week’s Indie Bestsellers reporting period will be extended as follows:

The September “Now in Paperback” Flier & Shelf-Talkers

The September Indie Next List’s 12 “Now in Paperback” titles are featured with bookseller quotes on a downloadable flier and shelf-talkers.

The October 2012 Indie Next List Preview

Here’s a preview of the titles on the October Indie Next List flier, on its way to ABA member stores in the IndieBound movement. A downloadable PDF version of the list will also be available beginning October 1 on and

The Indie Comics & Graphic Works Bestseller List

Based on sales at hundreds of independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending August 19, 2012.

The Indie Mystery & Thriller Bestseller List

Based on sales at independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending August 5, 2012.

The Autumn 2012 Kids’ Indie Next List Preview

Here are the titles on the Autumn Kids’ Indie Next List flier, arriving in stores in the upcoming Children’s White Box.

Local Ownership Makes Communities Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser

Stacy Mitchell, senior researcher for the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, has compiled some key points from a growing body of research that shows scale and ownership of business matter in ways that extend far beyond economic outcomes.

The September 2012 Indie Next List Preview

Here is a preview of the titles on the September Indie Next List flier, on its way to ABA member stores in the IndieBound movement.

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