Specialty Bookselling

The Indie Comics & Graphic Works Bestseller List

Based on sales in hundreds of independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending November 14, 2010.

The Winter 2010/2011 Kids' Indie Next List

The Winter 2010/2011 Children’s Indie Next List flier features the top 10 titles for the winter publishing season and an additional 42 selections, spanning all age groups, based on nominations from independent booksellers nationwide.

Call Goes Out for 2011 Pannell Nominations

The Women’s National Book Association is seeking nominations for the 2011 Pannell Awards, honoring bookstores in the U.S. that excel at inspiring interest in reading and creatively bringing books and young people together.

The Indie Politics & Current Events Bestseller List

Based on sales in hundreds of independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending November 7, 2010.

The Indie Sci-Fi & Fantasy Bestseller List

For the eight-week period ending October 26, 2010, and based on sales in hundreds of independent bookstores nationwide.

The Indie October Baseball Bestseller List

Based on sales in independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week period ending October 10, 2010.

The Indie Mystery Bestseller List

For the eight-week period ending September 26, 2010, and based on sales in hundreds of independent bookstores nationwide.

The Indie Music Bestseller List

Based on sales in independent bookstores nationwide, for the eight-week period ending September 14, 2010. 

Centuries & Sleuths Celebrates 20 Years

This past weekend, Centuries & Sleuths, a bookstore in Forest Park, Illinois, specializing in history, mystery, and biography, celebrated its 20th anniversary by hosting in-store panels featuring local authors who have had a part in the store’s history.

ABC Invites Comments on Proposed Merger

The Association of Booksellers for Children has invited its members and other constituents to review the plan for a proposed merger with the American Booksellers Association, and to offer comments.

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