Algonquin Has Special Offer for Co-op Program Participants

Starting November 1, Co-op Reimbursement Program participants will be able to take advantage of a special offer from Algonquin Books. The publisher has created a promotion around Marlena de Blasi's A Thousand Days in Tuscany: A Bittersweet Adventure.

The book, part travelogue, part cookbook, and November Book Sense pick, is the centerpiece of Algonquin's "Thousand Days in Tuscany Sweepstakes." In partnership with Alitalia, Algonquin is awarding two consumers a trip for two to Tuscany. Booksellers that promote the sweepstakes online and promote the book in their stores are eligible for $75 in co-op. In addition, the sweepstakes is open to booksellers.

"This is the type of book that has wide mainstream appeal," said Craig Popelars, Algonquin's director of marketing. He explained that a book such as de Blasi's often prompts readers to daydream about dropping everything and traveling, but with the "Thousand Days" sweepstakes, two lucky readers will be able to do it for real. "[The sweepstake] is something that booksellers can offer beyond the book."

The Co-op Reimbursement Program is designed to help publishers both promote and increase the sales of their books. Furthermore, it gives booksellers a way to claim unused newsletter co-op -- which can then be used to offset a significant portion of the monthly cost of their Web sites.

Here are the details of the Algonquin offer:

  • Booksellers will be required to post sweepstakes content for any two months between November 1 and February 28. will make content available to booksellers to post to the Web site, with a link to the sweepstakes page.
  • A minimum order of five units is required and participating stores must have a current account in good standing with Workman.
  • Booksellers must prominently display A Thousand Days in Tuscany on an endcap or table for at least one month during the promotion. Algonquin will supply an easel and bookmarks to support the display.
  • A Thousand Days in Tuscany must be faced out in the section through February 28, 2005.
  • As with all Co-op Reimbursement claims, to be eligible, booksellers must report to the Book Sense Bestseller List.
  • Algonquin will pay each qualifying store $75 in newsletter co-op.

For further information regarding the Algonquin promotion, contact Len Vlahos via e-mail at