More Day of Education Session Materials Now on BookWeb

This week, materials relating to six more sessions at the American Booksellers Association's Day of Education at BookExpo America were made available to all bookstore members in PDF format on In an effort to be more ecologically responsible, ABA is providing all session "handouts" relating to this year's programming online rather than printing and collating them in a binder, which would then need to be shipped across the country.

To date, materials for 11 of the Day of Education's 15 sessions have been posted to BookWeb, and materials for four more will be added within the next several days.

In place of the usual Hotel ABA Welcome Bag, the association is asking booksellers to recycle and bring a bag from home to fill with information that will be provided at the Day of Education Registration Desk.

These changes will significantly cut down on the use of paper, and the attendant energy to produce and ship materials related to ABA's participation in this year's show.

All Day of Education session handouts are being posted to the schedule at, and the complete roster of ABA's education materials are accessible by topic via BookWeb's Education Curriculum Guide.

The most recent materials posted to BookWeb are for the following six sessions:
