Spring E-Cards Now on IndieBound.org

Whether it's for Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduation, or just to celebrate the sunshine and fresh air, spring is a great time to send a greeting to a loved one.

IndieBound.org now offers three new e-cards, featuring animations based on the spring IndieBound DIY designs . These cards provide a great way for indie-loving consumers to send a greeting -- and a powerful reminder to shop local -- to family and friends. As with the holiday e-cards , users can add a custom message, as well as a link to their IndieBound Wish List. Each card can be sent to up to 10 recipients at a time. (To encourage customers to create a Wish List, why not try the Spring Wish List Counter Card? ) IndieBound.org's e-cards are not intended for large campaigns, but ABA members are encouraged to download the animations from the Bookseller DIY for use in store newsletters and other mailings.

Also new to the Bookseller DIY are horizontal banners of the three spring designs.

For help working with these files, or anything else in the Bookseller DIY, contact IndieBound Outreach Liaison Paige Poe at (800) 637-0037, ext. 6668.