Celebrate Spring With New IndieBound DIY Designs

As warmer weather spreads across the country, IndieBound is refreshing the popular Bookseller DIY with new, spring-themed designs. With consumer awareness of IndieBound on the rise, DIY materials can help identify your store as a destination for local, community-conscious shopping. And, as always, IndieBound materials can be reshaped, resized, or custom-tailored with additional text, logos, or anything else to best fit your store and your community.

Here's a look at what's new:

Posters -- Three designs featuring spring-themed artwork and new spirit lines, including "Sit. Stay. Read." and "Read & Blossom." The clever design of "Sit. Stay. Read." is especially suitable for marketing to children.

Bookmarks -- Not just for bookmarks! These files can be adapted for use in e-mail newsletters, fliers, and anything else you can imagine.

Gift Tags -- These tags can be hole-punched in the upper right corner and attached by a string to a present.

These materials can easily be adapted to many occasions, particularly Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Graduation. For help working with DIY files, and for additional brainstorming, don't hesitate to contact IndieBound Outreach Liaison Paige Poe.

A one-sheet preview will be included in the April Red Box. The materials are available online now.