Industry Voices - All

ABA’s President on BEA, DOJ, Why Indies Matter & More

ABA President Becky Anderson of Anderson’s Bookshops in Naperville, Illinois, writes to members about last week’s BEA, the Children’s Institute, Why Indies Matter, the Department of Justice’s agency model lawsuit, and more.

A Remembrance: Kathi Kamen Goldmark

ABA CEO Oren Teicher remembers Kathi Kamen Goldmark, author, publishing consultant, and founder of The Rock Bottom Remainders, who died last week at the age of 63 of breast cancer.

ABA CEO Update on This Spring’s Forum Discussions

ABA CEO Oren Teicher provides an overview of the main issues and topics of concern to members at the association’s Booksellers Forums, held in 11 locations across the country this spring.

Slipping Between the Storms

Bestselling author M.J. Rose reports from Atria’s Great Mystery Bus Tour and compares the alarming weather in the middle of the country with recent developments in the book business.

A Timely Reminder From WBN’s Lennertz

World Book Night U.S. Executive Director Carl Lennertz reminds booksellers of the resources available for next week’s giver parties and for the April 23 celebration.

ABA President Encourages a Sharing of Ideas

In her bimonthly letter to member stores, ABA President Becky Anderson writes about some of things that Anderson’s Bookshops are doing “to keep the momentum going in our stores,”  and encourages others booksellers to do the same.

Audio of Ann Patchett’s Wi7 Keynote Now Available

The galvanizing experience of Ann Patchett’s keynote address at Winter Institute 7 can now be heard in a downloadable audio file. 

A March Missive From ABA’s CEO

In his bimonthly letter to members, ABA CEO Oren Teicher talks about the association’s spring Booksellers Forums and some of the issues of concern to those who attended the first two gatherings of the season.

An Update From ABA President Becky Anderson

In her bimonthly letter to members, ABA President Becky Anderson writes about the past holiday season, Ann Patchett’s recent appearance on The Cobert Report, last month’s Winter Institute, and this spring’s Booksellers Forums.

A Bookseller Writes…

George Fox Rishel, the proprietor of The Sly Fox in Virden, Illinois, recently shared his thoughts on the future of bricks-and-mortar bookstores in a letter to ABA CEO Oren Teicher. Published here, with permission, is his letter and ABA’s response.

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