Industry Voices - All

A Bookselling Adventure in China

ABA CEO Oren Teicher writes about his recent visit to Shenzhen, China, where he participated in the city’s 11th annual Reading Month festivities at the invitation of Shenzhen’s “Reading Month Committee.”

The Challenges of Free Speech

ABFFE President Chris Finan talks about the recent controversy regarding’s decisions to sell and then pull from its website a constitutionally protected work that is, nonetheless, abhorrent to many.

A Bookselling Odyssey Down Under

ABA COO Len Vlahos writes about his recent trip to New Zealand and Australia, where he was invited to speak on the digitization of the U.S. book market.  While in Auckland and Sydney, he visited area indies, made many new friends, and learned a lot about the similarities, and differences, in the three book markets.

Selling Gift Cards on Your Website: You Can Do It Better

When Robert Sindelar of Third Place Books tried to buy gift cards via the websites of several major indie bookstores in another city, he was very surprised by what he found.

Booksellers Share Their Absurd, Surreal Moments

Booksellers and former booksellers let off some steam this week, sharing their odd, aggravating, and all-too-common bookstore moments.

Australian Booksellers Association to Adopt IndieBound

IndieBound has now expanded to the Southern Hemisphere. The Australian Booksellers Association (OzBA) is launching an Oz-based IndieBound this July.

Indies Choice Winner Kate DiCamillo: Booksellers Make the Difference

Kate DiCamillo, winner of the 2010 Indies Choice Book Award for "Most Engaging Author," offers a message to booksellers from her acceptance speech at ABA's Celebration of Bookselling Luncheon at BEA. "Booksellers Make the Difference" is presented here and as a downloadable two-page PDF.

Indies Choice Winners Share Their Independent Bookstore Stories

This year's Indies Choice Book Award winners explain how independent bookstores have helped shape their careers while providing some memorable experiences along the way.

Why ABA IndieCommerce? One Bookseller's Thoughts

Lars Townsend, who oversaw the launch of the Politics & Prose website on ABA IndieCommerce's Drupal platform, recently shared some thoughts on the benefits of having an e-commerce site in general and the advantages of the new Drupal platform specifically.

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