
Kobo Launch Incentive Deadline October 20

For ABA member stores to take advantage of the Kobo Launch Incentive — which includes free displays, free demo units, sell-through bonuses, product returnability, extended dating, and a cash bonus for participating — they must sign-up by Saturday, October 20.

Kobo Sign-up Form and Resources Now on BookWeb

This week, ABA launched a new webpage that gathers in one place all that member stores need to sign-up and begin promoting Kobo eBooks and eReaders to their customers.

Publishers Work on E-Book Agreements Under DOJ Settlement

With last week’s federal court order entering as final judgment the Department of Justice’s e-book pricing settlement with Hachette, HarperCollins, and Simon & Schuster, the three publishers are working on agreements to replace the agency model for e-books.

Federal Court Approves DOJ’s Proposed Settlement in E-Book Pricing Case

This afternoon, New York Federal Judge Denise Cote issued an order entering as a final judgment the DOJ’s proposed settlement agreement with Hachette, HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster in the e-books antitrust litigation. This means that the three settling publishers are required to terminate all of their agency agreements and any agreement that restricts an e-book retailer’s discretion over pricing as soon as allowed under contract, typically, on 30 days’ notice.

Ingram to Distribute Kobo eReaders to Indie Bookstores

Today, ABA announced that Ingram Content Group will be the exclusive distributor of Kobo eReaders as part of the ABA/Kobo eBook solution.

Kobo Announces New Family of eReaders

On Thursday, September 6, Kobo announced a new lineup of e-readers. The news comes a week after ABA and Kobo announced an agreement for a new e-book solution for ABA member bookstores.

New and Upcoming E-Book Promos

The IndieCommerce Publisher Promotions page has been updated with five new promotions.

Upcoming E-Book Promos

The IndieCommerce Publisher Promotions page has been updated with two promotions starting September 1.

IndieCommerce Institute Registration Extended

Booksellers looking to learn more about maximizing their IndieCommerce websites have until August 31 to register for September’s IndieCommerce Institute.

New E-Book Promos

Three promotions, underway now, were added to the IndieCommerce Publisher Promotions page this week.

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